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December 14, 2024 8:14 pm | Auction started |
Delivery Issues and Refund Policy
Upon receiving your order, please contact us immediately if you encounter:
Damaged or incomplete packaging
Missing or incorrect items
Products not fit for consumption
Money-Back Guarantee
If any of the above occurs, we will refund or compensate you accordingly.
Returns and Quality Issues
For wrong items, please return them to us, and we will find a solution. For quality issues, send photos or videos and your order number within 12 hours to request a refund.
Refund for Faulty or Misdescribed Products
If the product is faulty or misdescribed, we will refund the full price, including delivery and return costs.
Return Costs
You are responsible for return shipping costs unless the product is faulty or misdescribed. You must also take reasonable care of the products while they are in your possession.
Refund Method
Refunds will be made using the same payment method and account as your original order.